Your Journey to Impact Guide 2

What’s in the guide?

Design Your Framework For Action

Your Journey to Impact offers strategic ways your business can support education to create the future that all children deserve. Whether you are in charge of corporate responsibility, corporate giving, social and environmental impact, or lead a corporate foundation, you can make meaningful impact by learning about and investing in education. Our three guides are designed for leaders who want to learn about how, when, and where to invest in education.

Best Practices on Supporting Education

Provide Financial Resources

Fund education as gifts or grants, and align that support with corporate priorities and social impact goals.

Offer In-Kind and Technical Support

Provide in-kind support, such as career mentoring, job shadowing, tutoring, and donating products and services.

Advocate for Education Policy Reform

Leverage the individual and collective voices of business, and apply political weight to call attention to educational needs and positively influence policy.

Demonstrate Thought Leadership

Encourage C-suite executives to champion education and use their public influence to reach other business leaders, as well as employees, customers, clients, and policymakers to advance education reform.

Implement Internal Corporate Practices

Adopt policies which broaden diversity, equity and inclusion efforts, and offer employee benefits like childcare, training programs, and scholarships.

Invest in the Best Start in Life

Focus on a child’s first five years of life, when 90% of brain development occurs. Some 50% of pre-primary-age children–at least 175 million–around the world are not enrolled in pre-primary education. 

• Support early childhood development programming
• Advocate that governments allocate 10 percent of education budgets to pre-primary education
• Invest in universal childcare and pre-primary offerings to support parents

Ensure Safe and Inclusive Places to Learn

Invest in safe and inclusive schools and safer communities. Over 350 million children live in conflict zones—a 75% increase since the early 1990s.

• Help children whose education has been interrupted by violence, wars, natural disasters, and disease
• Invest in school meals to ensure every child receives proper nutrition
• Support inclusive education for girls and children with disabilities

Support Young People with Skills for the Future

Equip today’s young people with skills for tomorrow’s jobs. During school closures due to the COVID-19 pandemic, an estimated 2.2 billion—or two-thirds—of children and young people globally did not have access to online learning. 

• Help increase access to electricity, connectivity, and digital skills
• Understand how technology contributes to innovation, including participation in emergent technologies, automation, and other shifts in the workplace that translate into learning in schools
• Learn about the critical role teachers play in ensuring quality education, especially in the regions where the need is greatest