As the bombs drop and refugees flee for their lives, remember Ukraine’s children

Photo by Mathias P.R. Reding

In an opinion piece in the Guardian, Justin van Fleet calls for authorities, governments, and organizations to prioritize the educational wellbeing of Ukrainian children right away and help them cope with the trauma that has been inflicted on them.

Here is an extract:

With 1.5m refugee children having fled Ukraine, we think about the urgent need for humanitarian relief: food, water, shelter and clothing. But we must ensure children’s education is central to the immediate response to their suffering, because war doesn’t just wreck lives, it wrecks education too.

Pick a humanitarian crisis: Syria, Greece, Afghanistan, Uganda. In every instance, education is the first service children lose. The sad truth is that children who are displaced by conflict remain in that situation for years.

In a time of such suffering and need, why worry about education? Because it provides a sense of normality during upheaval and chaos. It provides a daily routine and some sense of hope for the future, while at the same time providing the opportunity for counselling and other essential mental health services. It also is a distribution point for health services, food and other necessities for children and their families. These services and supports are essential for all children…

you can read the rest of the piece in the Guardian.

Learn more about education in emergencies

Education is one of the first things lost and last things restored during a crisis. When a disaster strikes, children lose out on years of schooling and remain vulnerable to trafficking, child labor, and forced marriage, among other dangers.

Humanitarian relief