Wendy Kopp
Teach for All, CEO and Co-Founder
About Wendy
Wendy Kopp is CEO and Co-founder of Teach For All, a global network of independent organizations that are cultivating their nations’ promising future leaders to ensure their most marginalized children have the chance to fulfill their true potential.
Wendy founded Teach For America in 1989 to marshal the energy of her generation against educational inequity in the United States. Today, more than 6,000 Teach For America corps members—outstanding recent college graduates and professionals of all academic disciplines—are in the midst of two-year teaching commitments in over 50urban and rural regions, and Teach For America has proven to be an unparalleled source of long-term leadership for expanding opportunity for children.
After leading Teach For America’s growth and development for 24 years, in 2013, Wendy transitioned out of the role of CEO. Wendy led the development of Teach For All to be responsive to the initiative of inspiring social entrepreneurs around the world who were determined to adapt this approach in their own countries. Currently, the Teach For All network is comprised of partner organizations in 53 countries on six continents, including its founding partners Teach For America and the U.K.’s Teach First.