Nazila Vali
Partnership Specialist, Advocacy and Innovative Partnerships, UNICEF
About Nazila
Nazila Vali is a Partnership Specialist with the Multi-Stakeholder Platforms Unit, Private Fundraising and Partnerships Division (PFP) of UNICEF in Geneva, Switzerland. In her role, she develops, coordinates and manages strategies and relationships with key global multi-stakeholder platforms and initiatives involving the private sector.
Prior to joining UNICEF, Nazila worked with the UNDP-OCHA Connecting Business initiative (CBi) and the UNDP-hosted Business Call to Action (BCtA) initiative in Istanbul. She also worked with the UNDP Regional Center for Africa in Addis Ababa and Coffey International Development in London and Abuja. Nazila has experience in inclusive economic growth, specializing in inclusive business, impact management, market systems approach, women’s economic empowerment, and value chain development.
She read Economics and International Relations (BA) at the University of Geneva and International Development (MSc) at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London. Nazila also hold an Executive Degree in Gender from the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva.