New year, new model: GBC-Education’s fee-free option expands opportunity for businesses 

2023 will be the first full year of operations for the Global Business Coalition for Education’s new, four-tier membership model. Designed in response to feedback from existing members and other companies, it is creating a more diverse coalition, spreading membership into new areas of the world and to new types and sizes of business.

We heard that while many, especially smaller, companies didn’t have budgets for membership fees, they were nonetheless enthusiastic to make an impact on the lives of young people through education, or else wanted to take a more gradual approach to their involvement in education.

Fee-Free Membership

Our new, fee-free Coalition of Business Leaders encourages participation from smaller companies, regional companies and those exploring participating in education. It offers opportunities to connect with other businesses and vetted NGOs (through a members’ portal that will launch this year), small group discussions through virtual connections and events, and the chance to share best practice and hear about the great work that other members are doing.

In exchange, fee-free members of the coalition are asked to share details of their education initiatives and programs – if they have them – what their focus is, what challenges they face, what impact they are having and what metrics are used to evaluate them. This enables our team to keep other members up-to-date and provides valuable input to help guide our approach and program planning.

Paid Pathways

Our three paid pathways offer companies a choice of types of support, developed in part with the BHP Foundation.

1. Coaching & Resources

Our Coaching and Resources option offers access to customized briefing sessions to help organizations make more strategic decisions about their investments in education, and an “a la carte” selection of options. This includes our Journey to Impact guides and coaching on how to incorporate the guides’ advice into company practice.

2. Strategic Advisory

Our Strategic Advisory service  allows companies to tap into the GBC-Education team as an extension of their own team, to consult on specific challenges or create bespoke solutions. This includes customized partnership opportunities and strategic initiative development.

3. Signature Partnership

Lastly, companies can partner with us as their signature non-profit, supporting our projects and campaigns financially to play a significant role in bringing an end to the global education crisis by providing quality, inclusive education to every child in the world.

Justin van Fleet headshot

These options expand what we can offer to assist any kind of business at any stage of their social impact design, helping them make more informed, evidence-based decisions to advance both their business objectives and education equity.

Justin van Fleet, Executive Director, GBC-Education

With a network of more than 150 influential private sector companies, GBC-Education has already become one of the world’s most effective forums for connecting businesses committed to helping young people through education. GBC-Education’s Executive Director, Justin van Fleet, explains that these new membership options “will advance our goal of helping the business community make the biggest contribution it can to ending the crisis around the world in education.”

We're a network of more than 150 influential companies.

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