Consultation Open – A Common Platform For Education In Emergencies

Photo Courtesy of UNHCR.

Phase II of the global consultation on a Common Platform to finance and coordinate the delivery of education in emergencies has opened and GBC-Education is again gathering the responses of the private sector.

The consultation, led by the Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE), is centered around a framework proposed in January by the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) for creating a “Common Platform” for education in emergencies through a Summary Note on the Proposition and Options. The purpose of such a platform is to generate political commitment and financial resources for meeting the educational needs of millions of children and young people affected by crisis and is designed to be:

  • a global level financing facility, which would leverage additional and adequate funding to ensure delivery of education and learning services at scale in emergencies and protracted crises; and
  • a mechanism that connects government, humanitarian, and development actors together to facilitate improved capacity and coordination for preparedness, immediate response, and education system development and recovery.

The Phase II consultation is a critical and strategic opportunity to influence the potential development of a common global fund and platform for education in emergencies. Its goal is to ensure that the expertise and engagement of the private sector is reflected in the new Common Platform at all levels.

The consultation will run through 5 February, when ODI will incorporate inputs from the second global consultation process into a final paper detailing a framework for a “Common Platform.” T​he outcome of this process will be a final document with clear and achievable solutions, detailing a framework for a new platform, analyzing political economy considerations and addressing country-level applications upon which governments, NGOs, and donors will use as a basis of discussion and agreement at the World Humanitarian Summit in May. Read more about the consultation and how partners are contributing here.

Previously, in May 2015, INEE invited GBC-Education to coordinate a global consultation with the business community on education in emergencies (EiE) during Phase I of a global consultation. GBC-Education utilized the results of this survey to develop a policy brief, with feedback informing an issues paper developed by the ODI ahead of the Oslo Summit on Education for Development. Political and technical support was secured at the Summit to move forward on developing a “Common Platform” and financing modality to mobilize additional resources for education in emergencies.

Please contact GBC-Education Research and Project Manager Dan Boyer, ([email protected]) for our briefing note and to participate in the consultation.