A Statement on the Post-2015 Agenda

The following is a statement by the Global Business Coalition for Education on the post-2015 agenda.
The Global Business Coalition for Education is an action-oriented organization that brings the business community together to accelerate progress in delivering quality education for all of the world’s children and youth. We believe that education is the birthright of every child and the key to expanded opportunity and future employment. Our model prioritizes engagement with Heads of States, Ministers of Finance and Ministers of Education in order to catalyze the high-level political will and resource mobilization needed to drive results and change at the country level.
With 58 million primary school-age children still out of school, we are committed to realizing the commitments of Millennium Development Goal 2 while building new targets and strategies to ensure children everywhere have equitable access to quality learning beyond 2015.
We believe that the post-2015 agenda should engage the private sector and contain the following:
1. A stand-alone education goal that prioritizes equitable access to free and quality learning
2. Specific, delineated target on means of implementation at the country and donor level, including a concrete and measurable target on financing education that will guarantee the delivery of universal, equitable and quality education, including the development of 21st century skills for participation in society and the global economy
The UN Open Working Group for Sustainable Development concluded its 13th and final session on July 18, 2014. The Outcome Document from this final session lays out a proposal for the post-2015 agenda, including a stand-alone education goal that will “Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote life-long learning opportunities for all.” Proposed targets include ensuring girls and boys complete a free, equitable and quality education; increasing the percentage of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills; and ensuring that all learners acquire knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development.
We urge the Open Working Group to consider a target for financing at both the country and donor levels. A concrete and measurable target on financing education will guarantee the delivery of universal, equitable and quality education.
An agenda that seeks to raise the quality of education and improve skills for life cannot succeed without the support and engagement of the private sector. The Global Business Coalition Education advocates for the engagement of the business community in the new global development framework to aid in the implementation of these goals in partnership with government and civil society.
Photo © hibino