ACLAMO is a community service organization that provides education, social services, and access to health programs to Latinos and others. ACLAMO is building skills through its Youth Mentoring and Career Development program, which provides literacy, math, and science mentoring, tutoring, and homework support, as well as S.T.E.A.M-focused enrichment activities to students who are learning English. And their Summer Bridge helps students use vacation time for academic enrichment and connects local business owners and community leaders with students to inform them about different career paths in STEAM Fields.
To fulfill their mission, ACLAMO coordinates with a well-developed network of local partners, and on working collaborations with a wide range of mainstream providers to bring visibility of the Latino community to the table. By offering a full range of critical bilingual, bicultural services to address gaps in access to vital resources in the community, we are able to build a stronger community one child and one family at a time.