Global Business Coalition for Education

The Business Case for Investment in the Early Years

Nearly 350 million children around the globe lack quality childcare. Meanwhile, more than 85 million jobs could go unfilled by 2030 because of a lack of skilled talent.

The cost of childcare is skyrocketing, particularly in the U.S. where more than a quarter of parents say they have quit a job or dropped out of their studies to avoid childcare costs, according to a global survey of over 7,000 parents and childcare workers. Meanwhile, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation reports that $3 billion in revenue is lost annually due to employee absenteeism because of childcare breakdowns.

Explore The Business Case for Investment in the Early Years report
The private sector has a pivotal role to play in support of the early years. In this report you’ll find:

  • Ways to make the early years central to your sustainability and ESG efforts. We show you related metrics from the leading rating agencies that apply to supporting the early years in the workplace.
  • Case studies of companies providing support for the early years in creative ways
  • Momentum for the early years across businesses, consumers, and government. In these pages, you’ll see our action plan, the #ActForEarlyYears campaign – – and much more

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