Focus on Action Greensboro, winner of the Big Ideas, Bright Cities challenge

Action Greensboro is the winner of the “Big Ideas, Bright Cities Challenge.” The organization will receive $100,000 to support its “Campus Greensboro” initiative, which aims to connect young people, including low-income and first-generation college students, with paid internships. It also provides stipends for youth to work in minority- and women-owned businesses.
“We’re thrilled to have earned this amazing recognition. This is about helping under represented college students and supporting business growth, especially women- and minority-owned businesses.” Bramley Crisco, Director of Talent Development at Action Greensboro

The “Big Ideas Bright Cities Challenge” honors teams for their bold, innovative ideas that equip young people to participate in the workforce. It helps solve an urgent problem: in the U.S., one in ten young people is not in school and not employed – a total of four million youth. These young people are badly needed in the workforce.
Greensboro earned top honors in the Challenge, besting finalist teams from 15 cities across the country. Together, Action Greensboro and the finalists will form a nationwide community of practice of change makers. Over the course of the next year, this network will share best practices and connect with business leaders and policymakers invested in youth skills development efforts. This will allow their ideas to grow, succeed, and inspire others.