Youth Development Initiatives
Youth Development Initiatives Inc. (YDI) is a Charlotte, NC-based non-profit organization that gives hope to disadvantaged adolescent youth that they can make pathways out of poverty by engaging them in evidence-based programming after school that is proven to provide the guidance and the life skills-based training necessary for their scholars to finish high school prepared for college, vocational school, the military and/or a job. They strive to lead the way in ensuring ALL youth live in stable and caring communities where they receive meaningful educations, develop vital life skills and engage in essential social capital-building opportunities that ultimately result in successful futures. YDI’s innovative curriculum and interactive skills-based training includes individualized academic and career guidance, mentoring and summer enrichment opportunities founded on research and widely recognized best practices. Their unique Life Management Guidance curriculum is an innovative, technology-driven and project-based educational tool that uses personality and 21st Century skills assessments to engage students in every day living scenarios that connect the classroom to the real world. The lessons are designed to keep all students on task no matter what their learning style – auditory, visual, analytical or kinesthetic. The LMG’s format also engages students in active learning, one of fifteen best practices cited by the National Dropout Prevention Center/Network (NDPC/N).
YDI also offers powerful training modules for parenting/family skill building, mentoring programs, teacher/youth worker in-service workshops, juvenile diversion initiatives and more!