
Action Greensboro connects talented college students and the Greensboro, NC community, preparing students for the 21st century workforce. Building and strengthening relationships between sectors enables Greensboro to equitably meet economic and business demands. This ability to attract and retain a diverse, well-educated, skilled workforce is essential in today’s knowledge-based economy.

50,000+ college students attend seven local universities and colleges (UNC Greensboro, North Carolina A&T, Bennett College, Greensboro College, Guilford College, Guilford Technical Community College, Elon University). In 2020, 75% of those students received financial aid, more than 51% received Pell Grant funding. Paid internships lead to job offers and higher starting salaries. Financial stability is documented as a potential barrier for low-income and/or first-generation college students who may be unable to engage in an internship given their socioeconomic status as well as the structure of internship programs.

To eliminate systemic barriers to employment and support a diverse business community, Action Greensboro’s equity focused programming will connect Greensboro’s emerging college talent with minority and women owned businesses, provide a MWBE internship stipend and additional skill development programming for the selected interns.

Interns will also participate in the established Campus Greensboro Summer Fellows Program. Fellows are provided critical skills training, professional development, community engagement and paired with a community mentor. Fellows also receive leadership training with Greensboro based, globally recognized Center for Creative Leadership.

The combination of increased student skill-readiness and MWBE hosted internships differentiate this as a unique “Big Idea” for Greensboro.