Achieve Twin Cities
Achieve is positioned at the strategic intersection of their public high schools, employers, colleges and universities, nonprofit service providers, and local government. Bringing together all their community’s institutions, they ensure that young people have equal access to the opportunities, resources, and networks they need to graduate prepared for successful transitions into postsecondary programs or the workforce on pathways to living-wage careers. They engage students early in their high school journey, providing career and college exploration and readiness experiences that progressively build upon their awareness of career pathways, associated competencies, self-knowledge and interests, while simultaneously providing experiential learning opportunities, professional connections and paid internship opportunities that coincide with and support their career goals and aspirations.
Core Values Include:
- Anti-Racist: In all of their work they are intentional and unwavering about naming and dismantling structural racism and other forms of bias.
- Equity-Driven: They prioritize services for their students with the greatest needs, especially those who are systemically oppressed.
- Youth-Centered: Their young people are talented, capable, and ready to learn; they meet them where they are and put them at the center of everything they do.
- Dedicated to Career and College Readiness: They believe in the power of career and postsecondary readiness to enable young people to imagine and live rewarding lives.