Unlocking better business partnerships for your nonprofit through ESG

21 Feb

More than 90% of S&P 500 corporations are now embedding ESG in everything they do (McKinsey). Is your nonprofit ready to take advantage?

The Global Business Coalition for Education is a movement of 150 businesses dedicated to ending the global education crisis. With over a decade of experience building private sector partnerships that tackle some of the world’s most pressing education challenges, we are here to help your nonprofit build stronger corporate engagements.

About the event

21 Feb 2024


In this 45-minute session you’ll learn:

  • What is ESG, how it differs from philanthropic giving, and why it’s so relevant to the education sector right now
  • How to develop a corporate partnership based on ESG principles
  • And hear from a GBC-Education member who has successfully formed a win-win partnership with a nonprofit