Investing in inclusion

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

One billion people worldwide live with a disability. Despite being the world’s largest minority group, people with disabilities face serious barriers to going to school, getting a job, and building a career.

On April 26th, the Global Business Coalition for Education invited its Members and Collective Partners to a panel discussion on its recently released disability inclusion handbook. You can read about the discussion and watch it again here.

To attend future webinar, please join the Collective, a community where business leaders can grow together, build relationships, learn from experts and each other – as a foundation and bridge into forming organic alliances and partnerships.


Investing in inclusion

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

GBC-Education handbook provides detailed guidance in four areas:

  1. How to include and engage persons with disabilities as students, employees, consumers, and partners
  2. What to consider when creating inclusive hiring and employment policies and corporate culture
  3. What makes for effective disability-inclusive education and training
  4. How the private sector can build successful partnerships with organizations for persons with disabilities

On April 26th, the panelists will talk about how businesses can make a transformative contribution to the lives of people with disabilities by improving education, training, and employment for young people with disabilities.



Joyce Cook

Chief Social Responsibility and Education Officer, Social Responsibility and Education, FIFA

Joyce Malombe

Joyce Malombe

Interim Program Director, Wellspring Philanthropic Fund

Yashoda Shetty

Global Inclusion and Diversity Manager, Accenture

Justin van Fleet headshot

Justin van Fleet

Executive Director, Global Business Coalition for Education


11:00 - 11:10am EDT


Overview of the Collective and report

11:10 - 11:40am EDT

Panel discussion

11:40am - 11:59pm EDT

Questions and answers